Hydrodynamic optimization of ships not only targets energy efficiency but also the performance of ships in moderate and heavy seas. FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS forms part of a German consortium, comprising the University of Duisburg-Essen, Voith Turbo Schneider Propulsion, Germanischer Lloyd, HSVA, MEYER WERFT, Technical University Berlin, Technical University Hamburg-Harburg and University Rostock, that studies the optimization of ships in sea-states.
The research and development project, co-funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), is called PerSee which stands for “Performance von Schiffen im Seegang” (performance of ships in sea-states). It aims at establishing new processes for the optimization of ships in moderate seas, considering the effects of waves on both hull forms and propellers, and at identifying safety requirements for ships in heavy seas. Operational scenarios as well as minimum speed and power requirements are considered.
Within the project FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS further strengthens its Computer Aided Engineering platform CAESES. Main R&D targets are further ease in setting up complex processes that involve several simulation tools and improved usability in creating and understanding complex parametric models.
Funded by the Federal Republic of Germany, Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology on the orders of the German Bundestag (Gefördert durch die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Zuwendungsgeber: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestages).
For further details please see www.uni-due.de/persee